"Crocheting acts as a mental and physical therapy and there are many beautiful things that are created in the process.” – Today’s Crochet World

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Rainy Day Funnies

It's a gloomy ol rainy day here in Ohio.  I thought I would share some crochet funnies that i've found.
I think the lady guarding her yarn is my all time favorite...lol.
This is a good day for crochet, so gloomy and blah out.  I'm continuing to move right along on my sisters quilt'ghan thank goodness I figured out what the problem was.


  1. I love these crochet funnies. I like your blog. I am a 50 year old mom of 4. My childred are pretty much grown up, and I am soon to be a grandmom and love to crochet for my grandson. I think your comment at the top is great. I have fibromyalgia and find crochet is very therapeutic both mentally and physically. I would love it if you would check out my blog some time. it's crochetbyladyday.blogspot.com
    keep on Hooking!

  2. Thank you so much for your comment. I would love to visit your blog...I always love sitting down and seeing what others are up to. I love finding inspiration in new to me pages:)
